[bullshit] {v.}, {vulgar to informal}, {gaining in social acceptance by some} To exaggerate or talk insincerely in an effort to make yourself seem impressive.
«Stop bullshitting me, Joe, I can’t believe a word of what you’re saying.»
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- Значение идиомы put out[put out] {v.} 1. To make a flame or light stop burning;extinguish; turn off. Please put the light out when you leave theroom. The firemen put out the blaze. 2. To prepare for thepublic; produce; make. For years he had put out a weeklynewspaper. It is a small restaurant, which puts out an excellentdinner. 3. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы stop cold[stop cold] or [stop dead] or [stop in one’s tracks] {v. phr.},{informal} To stop very quickly or with great force. The hunterpulled the trigger and stopped the deer cold. When I saw Mary onthe street, I was so surprised I stopped dead. The deer heard anoise and he stopped in his tracks....
- Значение идиомы dig up[dig up] {v.}, {informal} To find or get with some effort. Sue dug up some useful material for her English composition. Jim asked each boy to dig up twenty-five cents to pay for the hot dogs and soda. Compare: DIG OUT....
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Значение идиомы bullshit