[at all hazards] {adv. phr.} With no regard for danger; at any risk; regardless of the chances you must take.
The racer meant to win the 500-mile race at all hazards.
Shopping has common elements wherever.
Why is ecotourism popular nowadays.
Related topics:
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- The Causes of Heart DiseasHeart disease affects so many people that it has become a serious concern for medical science. The heart is a complex organ that is vulnerable to hereditary as well as environmental risks. Scientists identified a number of risk factors associated with heart disease. They grouped these risk factors into major and minor causes. Major causes ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы rat race, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: rat race Перевод: крысиные бега; постоянная спешка, постоянная борьба за успех Пример: The man sometimes finds it too much of a rat race to live and work in a big city. Иногда этому человеку очень трудно жить и работать в постоянной спешке в большом городе....
- Значение идиомы beat the pants off[beat the pants off] {v. phr.} 1. To prevail over someone in a race or competition. Jim beat the pants off George in the swimming race. 2. To give someone a severe physical beating. Jack beat the pants off the two young men who were trying to hold him up in Central Park....
- Значение идиомы drag race[drag race] {n.}, {slang} An automobile race in which the drivers try to cover a certain distance in the shortest possible time. Drag races are often held on airport landing strips. Holding drag races is a good way to stop teenage hot rod racing on public highways. Compare: DRAG STRIP....
- RacingТопик Гонки рассказывает о большом разнообразии гонок, устраиваемых и давно обычных в Англии: скачки, автомобильные гонки, речные гонки, собачьи бега и даже гонки для ослов. Но самые знаменитые – это речные гонки между командами гребцов Оксфорда и Кембриджа, которые проводятся ежегодно, начиная с 1836 года. There are all kinds of racing in England — horse-racing, ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы neck and neck[neck and neck] {adj. or adv.}, {informal} Equal or nearly equal ina race or contest; abreast; tied. At the end of the race the twohorses were neck and neck. For months John and Harry seemed to beneck and neck in Alice’s favor. Compare: NIP AND TUCK....
- Значение идиомы against time[against time] or [against the clock] {adv. phr.} 1. As a test of speed or time; in order to beat a speed record or time limit. John ran around the track against time, because there was no one else to race against. 2. As fast as possible; so as to do or finish something before ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы garbage down[garbage down] {v. phr.}, {slang} To eat eagerly and at great speedwithout much regard for manners or social convention. The childrengarbaged down their food....
- Значение идиомы queer oneself[queer oneself] {v. phr.} To act in such a manner as to offendothers and thus one’s own chances or position. Phil has queeredhimself with many girls by his erratic behavior....
- Значение идиомы as for[as for] {prep.} 1. In regard to; speaking of; concerning. We have plenty of bread, and as for butter, we have more than enough. 2. Speaking for. Most people like the summer but as for me, I like winter much better. Compare: FOR ONE’S PART....
Значение идиомы at all hazards