[all there] or [all here] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Understanding well; thinking clearly; not crazy.
— Usually used in negative sentences,
Joe acted queerly and talked wildly, so we thought he was not all there.
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- Значение идиомы sit with[sit with] {v.}, {informal} To be accepted by; affect. — Used ininterrogative sentences and in negative sentences modified by «well». How did your story sit with your mother? Bob’s poorsportsmanship doesn’t sit well with the coach....
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- Значение идиомы a few[a few] {n.} or {adj.} A small number ; some. The dry weather killed most of Mother’s flowers, but a few are left. In the store, Mary saw many pretty rings and bracelets, and she wanted to buy a few of them. After the party, we thought that no one would help clean up, but ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы make head or tail of[make head or tail of] {v. phr.}, {informal} To see the why of;finding a meaning in; understand. — Used in negative, conditional, andinterrogative sentences. She could not make head or tail of thedirections on the dress pattern. Can you make head or tail of theletter?...
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- Значение идиомы a little[a little] {n.} or {adj.} A small amount ; some. — Usually «a little» is different in meaning from «little», which emphasizes the negative; «a little» means «some»; but «little» means «not much». We say «We thought that the paper was all gone, but a little was left.» But we say, «We thought we still ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы at all[at all] {adv. phr.} At any time or place, for any reason, or in any degree or manner. — Used for emphasis with certain kinds of words or sentences. 1. Negative It’s not at all likely he will come. 2. Limited I can hardly hear you at all. 3. Interrogative Can it be done at ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы have all one’s buttons[have all one’s buttons] or [have all one’s marbles] {v. phr.},{slang} To have all your understanding; be reasonable. — Usually usedin the negative or conditionally. Mike acts sometimes as if hedidn’t have all his buttons. He would not go to town barefooted ifhe had all his marbles....
- Значение идиомы talk back[talk back] also [answer back] {v.} {informal} To answer rudely;reply in a disrespectful way; be fresh. When the teacher told theboy to sit down, he talked back to her and said she couldn’t makehim. Mary talked back when her mother told her to stop watchingtelevision; she said, «I don’t have to if I don’t want ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы cut loose[cut loose] {v.} 1. To free from ties or connections, cut the fastenings of. The thief hastily cut the boat loose from its anchor. Compare: LET LOOSE. 2. {informal} To break away from control; get away and be free. The boy left home and cut loose from his parents’ control. 3. {informal} To behave freely ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы laugh one’s head off[laugh one’s head off] {v. phr.}, {informal} To laugh very hard; beunable to stop laughing. Paul’s stories are so wildly funny that Ilaugh my head off whenever he starts telling one of them....
- Перевод слова negativeNegative — отрицательный, негативный Перевод слова Negative answer — отрицательный ответ negative sign — знак минус negative evidence — отсутствие положительных доказательств negative influence — дурное влияние The feedback about the new product was all Negative. Отзыв о новом продукте был целиком негативный. The pregnancy test was Negative. Тест на беременность был отрицательным. A Negative ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы rhyme or reason[rhyme or reason] {n. phr.} A good plan or reason; a reasonablepurpose or explanation. — Used in negative, interrogative, orconditional sentences. Don could see no rhyme or reason to the plotof the play. It seemed to Ruth that her little brother had tempertantrums without rhyme or reason....
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- Значение идиомы lay a finger on[lay a finger on] {v. phr.} To touch or bother, even a little. — Used in negative, interrogative, and conditional sentences. Don’tyou dare lay a finger on the vase! Suppose Billy fakes his brotherwith him; wilt the mean, tough boy down the street dare lay a fingeron him? If you so much as lay a ... Читать далее...
- Перевод слова understandingUnderstanding — понимание Перевод слова Literal understanding of the text — буквальное понимание текста mutual understanding — взаимопонимание, согласие superficial understanding — поверхностное понимание The experience enriched her Understanding. Этот случай добавил ей понимания. I knew I could count on his Understanding. Я знал, что могу рассчитывать на его понимание. It exceeds the power of ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы think out[think out] {v.} 1. To find out or discover by thinking; study andunderstand. Andy thought out a way of climbing to the top of thepole. Compare FIGURE OUT, WORK OUT. 2. To think through to the end;to understand what would come at last. Bill wanted to quit school, but he thought out the matter and ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы cross a bridge before one comes to it[cross a bridge before one comes to it] {v. phr.} To worry about future events or trouble before they happen. — Usually used in negative sentences, often as a proverb. «Can I be a soldier when I grow up, Mother?» asked Johnny. «Don’t cross that bridge until you come to it,» said his mother. Compare: ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы all there