Yerevan is the capital of Armenia

Топик Ереван — столица Армении рассказывает о древнем городе с 2800 – летней историей, ставшим столицей страны в 1918 году. Ереван — политический, экономический, культурный и научный центр, а также важнейший транспортный узел страны. Город обслуживают 2 аэропорта, метрополитен, железнодорожный вокзал. Высота над уровнем моря — от 900 до 1300 м, через город, в живописном ущелье, протекает река Раздан.

Yerevan is the capital of Armenia. 1,1 mln people live in Yerevan and it is the largest city in Armenia.

Yerevan is the most important transport crossroad as well as political, economic, cultural and scientific center. The city has 2 airports and Yerevan has a metro since 1981.

The name of Yerevan originated from Urartian Erebuni fortress before it was called Yerevan city. Yerevan is more then 2800 year old. It has been the capital since 1918 and is the 12th in the history of Armenia.

Yerevan is located from 900 to 1300 meters above the sea level. The climate is mild. Hot dry summers and relatively short but cold winters are typical for Yerevan. It is divided into 2 parts by the Hrazdan River.

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Yerevan is the capital of Armenia