Democracy in Great Britain – Демократия в Великобритании
Great Britain is one of the biggest and highly developed countries in the world. Britain’s democratic system of government is long established and well tried, and has provided a remarkable political stability. Britain’s overseas
Game of chance – Игра случая
Are there any practical rules for healthy living? Very few. The formula for healthy life cannot be put into words — it can only be practised. Some people break the so-called health every day
Austen Jane – Джейн Остин
Best-known books include: Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride andPrej-udice (1813), Emma (1815), Northanger Abbey (1818), Persuasion (1818) Jane Austen’s novels are social comedies. They take place in late eighteenth-century England and the characters in
Donetsk – Донецк
Donetsk is a large industrial, scientific and cultural city of Ukraine. It is the centre of coal-mining industry. It is also the main fuel base of Ukraine. The city was founded in 1869 by
Composition on the Fable of M Twain – Сочинение по басне Марка Твена
The Moral of fables, found out by cat, each of us can understand in his own way. I understand its so: each person reflects any work of art, whether painting, music or something else
English throughout My Life – Английский язык в моей жизни
To begin with, it should be mentioned that studying English has already become an inseparable part of my life. I am sure this language is like a “lucky ticket” to my future life. Ludwig
Children and Toxicomania – Дети и токсикомания
Such products as glue, butane gas, solvents are made on solvent base. That is why they can be used for sniffing and then receiving post effects of visual hallucinations. Solvents are usually commercial products,
About the weather – О погоде
Dialogue about the weather (Диалог о погоде) – Hey, guys, we’ re lucky today. The weather is fine. It’s ideal for our picnic. – Yes, Mark. The sky is clear today and the breeze
Fielding Henry – Генри Филдинг
The English novel of today was largely created by Henry Fielding and Samuel Richardson. Richardson’s works, written in the form of a series of letters, are experiments in psychological analysis. Fielding’s novels, in which
Eliot George – Джордж Элиот
Mary Ann Evans was born in Warwickshire, the daughter of an estate agent or manager. Her education was a conventional one, dominated by Christian teachings and touched by the enthusiasm generated by the Evangelical