A visit to the sick friend – Визит к больному другу
В топике Посещение больного друга – я делюсь своими мыслями, как важно быть здоровым, но иногда кто-то из друзей может и заболеть, например, гриппом или простудой. Болезнь можно вылечить таблетками, но моральная поддержка тоже
Bernard Shaw – Бернард Шоу
George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin, Ireland, on 26th of July, in 1856. At the age of twenty one, Shaw came to live in London. His first five novels were rejected by London
Transport in London – Транспорт в Лондоне
London is a huge metropolitan area that is why public transport is vitally important for the city dwellers as well as tourists, for whom it might be quite confusing to get about London. Unlike
Advantages and disadvantages of the USE – Плюсы и минусы ЕГЭ
Does the USE have the use for Russian education system? Other people find it good. Other people find suitable for the Russian education, as it can`t show all the spectrum of pupils` know ledge.
British Scientists – Британские ученые
С F. Powell Powell was a prominent English scientist noted for his techniques and discoveries in particle physics. He was also deeply concerned with problems relating to the responsibility of scientists. Powell was a
Food what do you eat – Еда что ты ешь
Food is an essential part of our daily life. One famous English saying goes “We are what we eat”, and it’s true. The food we eat can influence our body and our mind. It
Clothes – Одежда
Modern people cannot imagine their life without clothes. The initial purpose of clothes was practical. The early people began putting on animal skins and leaves of plants to protect themselves from heat, cold, rain,
Change the world yourself – Измени мир сам
Foreign languages are of paramount importance for everyday life. The world is no longer a combination of separate countries; it is a complex of interrelated parts, connected in many ways. Learning a foreign language
A good English lesson – Хороший английский урок
We study many subjects at school. We have classes in the Russian Language and Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, History, Computer Science. English is one of my favourite subjects. We have our English
Formality and informality in British Society – Формальности и неформальности в британском общстве
Touring around Britain involves observing various formal ceremonies, so the tourists get an impression that the British are generally formal in their day-to-day behaviour. But it is not true. Everything depends on whether the