Роботы/ Robots
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Robots Роботы The era of robots is approaching. It’s the result of scientific-technical progress. These mechanical agents were created to help people with hazardous work and daily
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Great Britain lies on the Atlantic coast of Western Europe, separated from France by only 34 km of water. It is made up of three countries, England, Scotland and Wales. Great Britain with Northern
“Глобализация: за и против” (Globalization: pros and cons)
Globalization is a process of interaction between people, companies and governments of different nations. It is driven by international trade and the development of information technology. We observe its results in all spheres of
Вегетарианство/ Vegetarianism
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Vegetarianism Вегетарианство My name is Anna and I’m 15 years old. I’d like to speak on the topic of vegetarianism, which is becoming highly popular and demanded
Русские праздники и традиции/ Russian Holidays and Traditions
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Russian Holidays and Traditions Русские праздники и традиции There are lots of holidays and celebrations Russia both national and foreign. Even though many Russians celebrate world holidays,
Правильное питание/ Proper Nutrition
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Proper Nutrition Правильное питание Several thousand years ago to be chubby was fashionable, it was a sign of richness and prosperity. Not so long ago the situation
About Myself – О себе (2)
I was born on the 3rd of June 1991 in Moscow. Like many other children when I was a child I went to a kindergarten. At the age of 7 I went to school.
Keeping Fit and Doing Sports – Спорт и здоровый образ жизни
People all over the world like sport. Sport makes you healthier, keep you fit and it is just a great pastime! International matches and tournaments unite nations; they play an important role in establishing
The USA (8)
The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and Chine). It occupies the southern part of North America and stretches from the Pacific to the Atlantic
Sport and healthy living guide
Топик Спорт и здоровый образ жизни – руководство, рассказывает о важности соблюдения правил поддержания нашего здоровья в хорошем состоянии. Недаром говорится, что здоровье – “превыше всего” и каждый человек в ответе за собственное здоровье.