The Urals

Топик Урал рассказывает об Уральских горах, разделяющих территорию России на Европейскую часть и Азию. Уральская горная система также обозначает границы Сибири, простирающейся до Российского Дальнего Востока. Просторы Сибири стали доступны для иностранцев только в ранние 1990-е года. Екатеринбург известен как печальное место расстрела в 1918 году последнего русского императора Николая II и его семьи. Их останки были найдены в 1991 году неподалеку от Екатеринбурга и были захоронены в Петропавловском соборе Санкт-Петербурга. В центре Екатеринбурга

стоит памятник Якову Свердлову – чиновнику, ответственному за расстрел царской семьи. Уральские горы богаты месторождениями золота, платины и драгоценных камней. Из поколения в поколение передается мастерство обработки уральских самоцветов.

The Russian character and identity have long been influenced by the fact that Russia spreads across the two continents: Europe and Asia. The boundary between the two continents lies along the Ural Mountains that also mark the borders of Siberia.

Siberia covers a vast area of over five million square kilometers. For several decades Siberia was strictly off limits to foreigners and only in the early 1990s it became accessible for everybody. The population of Siberia has grown both from a mix of adventurers and fortune seekers who settled there voluntarily and those who were forced to be there for criminal and political reasons.

Tzar Nicholas II and his family were the most prominent people who were forced to stay there. In the center of Yekaterinburg there is a monument to Jakov Sverdlov, a high ranking official, who was responsible for the execution of the royal family. The brutal execution took place in 1918 in the basement room of

the house in Yekaterinburg. That house was bulldozed in 1977, as it was an inconvenient reminder of bloody methods of the Communist regime. The royal family was given a secret burial in an unmarked meadow. Controversies about the members of the royal family continued until 1994 when the DNA testing identified the bodies of nine people of the royal family including Anastasia who had been long considered to have survived by a miracle.

The Urals have long supplied Russia with locally mined precious and semi-precious stones. They are widely used by local craftsmen who create wonderful designs in order to make exquisite and unique jewelry. Their masterpieces are famous worldwide.

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The Urals