One day Clinton goes to the bathroom, pulls down his pants, and much to his amazement, he finds a red ring around his penis. So the next day he goes to his physician and the doctor says, «I cant figure out what it is. So I’ll give you some medicine, and if it doesn’t work, come back. Ill give you something else.» So clinton takes the perscription and takes the pills as directed and comes back in 2 weeks. The physician then hands him a different prescription and he comes back in 3 weeks this time. Then, instead of giving him a prescription he gives him a small tube-like capsule. The doctor says,»Rub this around the offending circle and come back tomorrow. Clinton returns the next day and starts shouting, «Wow! That stuff was terriffic doc! What was thast concoction? It worked great!» The docter then calmly replied; Lipstick remover.
Sent by Bradley
Ecological problems.
О том как быть лучшим другом на английском.
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One day Clinton goes to the bathroom