If I had a chance to go to London I’d like to see not only the places of interest but many other interesting things there. Certainly everyone knows that the most famous sights of the capital of the Great Britain are Tower Bridge over the river Themes, Big Ben, The Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Saint Paul’s Cathedral, The British museum, Art Gallery. It seems I know all these sights well because we have been getting acquainted with them since the 5-Th form up to now. I think it will be enough one-day excursion to see all these sights with my own eyes. I’d better visit the one of the numerous English pubs — the local beer halls where Englishmen like to spend their free time reading, talking, discussing traditional matters — political, sports and weather over the glass of beer. Or I’ll try to feel myself as a real Englishman visiting a house of a common English family. I’d like to sit round the fire place which is traditional for every English house. If I were lucky I would visit one of the competition or a tournament where traditional English sport games are played — rugby or lawn tennis, horse racing or cricket. I’d like to walk among the students of Cambridge or Oxford university in their campus and to imagine that I am one of them. I believe my impression on London won’t be full if I don’t visit Madam Tussad’s museum in Baker street. I’m looking forward to seeing their life — size wax portraits of kings and queens, well — known writers, singers and even criminals One of my evenings in London I’d like to spend in a disco club to watch the way English teenagers and young people spare their time, to listen to their popular groups, to make friends and what not.
My future career.
Computer in my life.
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London (6)