I want to tell you about my homeland. My homeland is Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is an independent Republic. It is situated in the Central Asia. Its population, is 16 million. All people of Kazakhstan have equal rights and duties. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. The territory of Kazakhstan is huge. It borders on China in the East and the Caspian Sea in the West, Russian in the North and the states of Asia in the South. The republic occupies the territory of more than 2 million square kilometers. . Kazakhstan has 14 regions, 84 cities.
The earth of Kazakhstan is full of iron and gold, coal, nickel and raw materials. Also Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources. These reserves formed a solid base for the development of heavy industry. The leading branch of agriculture is the production of wheat, sheep rising, and horse breeding. Kazakh-is the official language of the country, but Russian and other languages are spoken here too. Kazakhstan has hundreds of nationalities that’s why all people speak their native language.
Great attention is paid to the development of culture and education the Kazakhstan University, the Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abai Kunanbayev are well known.
There are many big industrial centers in Kazakhstan such as Karaganda, Almaty, Semey, and Shymkent.
Kazakhstan is the place where space dreams and projects have come into reality. The name of Baikonur is known all over the world. We are proud of Kazakhstan and hope it will have a great future. Our president now is Nursultan Nazarbayev. The president is elected every seven years.
The climate is strongly continental. KZ — has its own flag, anthem and national traditions and holidays. I think the most important holiday in our country is — Nayris. The Day of Republic is on the 25th of October. I’m proud of my country.
Глаголы синонимы на английском языке.
Сочинение мой любимый магазин на английском с переводом.
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Kazakhstan (2)