A woman asks her husband if he’d like some breakfast. «Would you like bacon and eggs, perhaps? A slice of toast? Grapefruit and coffee to follow?» she asks. He declines. «It’s this Viagra,» he says, «It’s really taken the edge off my appetite.»
At lunchtime, she asks if he would like something. «A bowl of home — made soup, home-made muffins or a cheese sandwich?» she inquires. He declines. «It’s this Viagra,» he says, «It’s really taken the edge off my appetite.»
Come dinnertime, she asks if he wants anything to eat. She’ll go to the store and buy him some food. «Would you like maybe a steak and apple pie? Maybe you’d like a pizza micro waved or a tasty stir-fry? That would only take a couple of minutes.» He declines. «It’s this Viagra,» he says, «It’s really taken the edge off my appetite.»
«Well,» she says, «would you mind letting me up, then? I’m starving!»
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It just kills my appetite