Топик Бездомные животные поднимает очень трудную проблему: как поступать с собаками и кошками, которые живут на улице. С одной стороны, таких животных можно переловить и усыпить. Но гуманнее было бы их поймать и поместить в приюты для бездомных животных, отмыть, накормить и заботиться о них – ведь животное не может о себе позаботиться.
Walking along the street, we can always see some creatures. It can be a dog or a cat. They all are different, but there is one thing which unites them. These animals have not any home and any headmaster. The problem of such homeless animals is actual nowadays, and people try to find fairer and easier solution to this problem.
As for my point of view, I consider that homeless animals can be very dangerous for people, and the easiest solution to this problem is to collect and put them to sleep. But at the same time, there is also another method solving the problem which, to my mind, is more humane and fairer than that one. It is to collect homeless animals and place them into special accommodations, so called shelters, where animals must be cleaned, fed and where they can live until they find a new headmaster or until they die. But unfortunately, not every government has enough amount of money or does not want to spend money for an organization of shelters for homeless animals.
But, everyone knows, each problem has two opinions and this topic is not an exception. Some people claim that animals without owners should have the right to live on the streets. I consider that their opinion is wrong for the next reasons. First of all, we can quite often watch on TV occasions of street animals’ attack a person. But the most terrible thing is when a homeless animal attacks a child. In addition to, these animals can be carriers of various dangerous for people’s life diseases.
In conclusion I would like to say that anyway I and many other people feel sorry for animals without owners because they are also beings as we and therefore they have the right to live as people have. Our task is to care of such animals as much as it is possible, because animals cannot care for themselves.
Elizabeth 2 english.
Chernobyl topic.
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Homeless animals