Nico: I’m moving to Atlanta. I want a Fresh start.
Celia: This is a surprise. I thought you were going To stick it out here and try To put the past behind you.
Nico: There are too many Reminders here. I want a Clean slate. What’s done is done and I’m tired of Blame and Recriminations.
Celia: I’m glad to hear you’ve stopped Beating yourself up over what’s happened, but are you sure moving away will help you Move on?
Nico: The world is my oyster now, isn’t it? I can live anywhere I want to and do anything I want to.
Celia: I guess so, but are you sure you want To uproot and leave town?
Nico: I’m not trying To reinvent myself, but if I’m going To start over, I Might as well do it in a new town.
Celia: I guess a new town is a good place to start a new life and maybe you’ll find a new love. Many people Bounce back from a difficult divorce.
Nico: I’ve Sworn off women. The only Female I want in my life right now is my dog Fifi!
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Getting a Fresh Start