Bill: What are you watching?
Susan: I’m watching a really interesting TV program. It’s about how to make a lot of money quickly and easily.
Bill: Are you watching an Infomercial? Those things are Scams! You should know better than To fall for some Get-rich-quick scheme.
Susan: This isn’t a scam. This program is about how make money with no Capital. All I have to do is to get other people to sell these products and I’ll get A cut Of the Profits.
Bill: That sounds like a Pyramid scheme. Only a few people at the top make money, while all of the other people Lose their shirts.
Susan: It doesn’t seem like a Fraud to me. Sit down and watch for a minute and you’ll see all of the Testimonials from people who have used this system and who have Struck it rich. It may really work.
Bill: There’s a Sucker born every minute. How much do you have to pay to learn the secrets to this system?
Susan: It’s only $179.95, and I can pay in monthly Installments. The program comes with a Step-by-step book and video on how to get started.
Bill: I think you’re Wasting your time. I can think of a lot of things I’d rather spend $179.95 on.
Susan: That’s your Prerogative. Don’t come to me later when I’m a Millionaire and you want my business advice.
Bill: Don’t worry. That will never happen.
My holiday travel text.
The most famous people of great britain are buried in.
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Get-Rich-Quick Schemes