The 20th century saw 2 wars which were full of cruelty and violence. This epoch of the mankind was called «The Era of Genocide» because the most 2 wicked wars of the whole history were based on the international hate ground.
A lot of attempts have been made since then to stop and cease genocide once and forever in the whole world. Several UNO resolutions have been adopted and ratified by the world leading countries as well as by the developing and poor countries, which promised to protect their citizens from this danger. However, these juridical documents haven`t changed the situation significantly.
This burning issue is still important in the 21st century as nations are suffering from genocide. Moreover, this sin exists in many countries where the dwellers are aimed at killing and injuring each other because of the differences in religion, culture and nationality. UNO can`t solve the problem alone because some countries are «closed» for the world community. Furthermore, some cases of genocide are carefully hidden from outer observers, so no one wants to investigate them in order to find out the truth. Besides, we are just deaf and indifferent to the problems of other people and nations, because we have already forgotten the horrors of the World War II.
The 21st century is believed to be the time of high technologies and global cooperation and integration. And if we really want to reach the Global Peace, we should put all our energy and possible recourses to solve this Medieval problem.
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Исаак ньютон краткая биография на английском языке.
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