The life of Freddie Mercury began on the East African island of Zanzibar on September 5, 1946. His real name is Farookh Bulsara. He is founder of legendary rock group named «Queen». His parents were Bomi and Jer Bulsara. Freddie spent the bulk of his childhood in India. He attended Sent Peters boarding school near Bombay. Freddie began to play the piano at the age of seven. He was also involved in the school theatre. His first band was the Hectics. 10. The Bulsara family moved to Middlesex in 1964. In 1966, Freddie enrolled in Eagling College of Art. From there he joined up with a blues band called Wreckage. Watching Smile made Freddie realise that he really wanted to be in a band himself. Smile metamorphosed into Queen. Queen performed to 231,000 fans in San Paolo. It’s a world record at the time. Freddie died on November 24, 1991 because of AIDS. Freddie’s house is at 1 Logan Place in Kensington, London. Freddie was cremated. His parents have his ashes.
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- Значение идиомы down east[down east] or [Down East] {n.} The northeast coastal part of the United States and part of Canada; especially: the coastal parts of Maine. Many people in Boston like to go down east for their summer vacation. Compare: I WOULDN’T DO IT FOR A FARM DOWN EAST....
Freddie Mercury