
В топике Брест я рассказываю о своем родном городе. Брест впервые упоминается в летописях в 1019 году и, в течение истории, название города было изменено несколько раз. В Бресте есть много музеев, два театра, один каток, два университета, пять гимназий и один лицей. Брестская крепость является главной достопримечательностью города: ее защитники держали длительную оборону против немцев в 1941 году и, в результате тяжелых боев, крепость была разрушена. После войны остатки крепости были превращены в грандиозный Мемориал ее защитникам. Сейчас Брест – крупный экономический центр, поскольку он расположен на границе Беларуси и Польши.

Brest is a beautiful old city on the west of Belarus. It is a city and administrative center of the Brest region of the Republic of Belarus. The city is located on the right bank of the Western Boog River. Brest is a big economic and cultural center. It is also an important rail-way and auto-road node.

Brest was first mentioned in 1019 as Bierascie. It is believed that ancient city’s name comes either from the word «bierast» or from the word «bierasta». The city’s name was changed several times during its history. At the beginning of the 18th century the city’s ancient name was changed into Brest-Litowsk. New name lived till the beginning of the 20th century when its second part was discarded, and the city has become simply Brest.

In Brest there are many museums, two theaters, one skating-rink, two universities, five gymnasiums and one lyceum. The fortress is the main attraction of the city. The history of this defensive construction started in 1842 when the entire city of Brest was moved 3 kilometers east, and on its place a massive fortress was set up. The fortress made a prolonged defense against Germans in 1941 and was ruined in the result of severe battles. After the war the remains of the fortress were turned into a grandiose memorial to its defenders.

At present near 300,000 people live in Brest. It is a big economic center because it’s situated on the border of Belarus and Poland. There are many beautiful new and old buildings. I like my native city Brest very much!

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