Because his son wasn’t the brightest kid in the world, old Hillbilly Joe took him to the outhouse one day to teach him how to urinate properly. «Now you lissen good, Dan’l, ‘cuz here’s whatcha gotta do. One: Take out your penie-pipe. Two: Pull back the foreskin. Three: Pee. Four: Push back your foreskin. Five: Put your equipment back.» The boy said he understood, but the next day while he was working at his still, Joe’s wife came running over. «Oh, Joe, Joe, come quick! Dan’l went ta piss an’ won’t come out of the outhouse!» «Hell, whut’s he doin’ in there?» Joe said. I dunno. He jess keeps sayin’ «Two-four, two-four, two-four……»
In the university диалог.
Топик по английскому языку образование в россии.
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Because his son wasn’t the brightest kid in the world