Angie: Ooh, it looks like Joanna Has her sights set on you. Look at how she’s Giving you the eye.
Kenji: Is she? I hadn’t noticed.
Angie: Watch out, she usually gets what she wants and she Doesn’t take no for an answer.
Kenji: I’m not interested in Joanna At all. She’s not My type.
Angie: Then you’re the only one. Every guy I know thinks she’s Hot. She has a Bunch of them At her beck and call.
Kenji: Then she won’t care if I don’t Take an interest in her. I don’t like women who behave as though they’re God’s gift to men.
Angie: Don’t look now, but she’s Making a beeline for you.
Kenji: Then that’s my Cue to beat a speedy exit.
Angie: Are you sure you want To give her the brush off?
Kenji: I’m sure. That’s one woman I don’t want To tangle with.
Упражнения на артикли 5 класс английский язык.
Topic my parents.
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Attracting Someone’s Interest