Перевод идиомы in case of, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: in case of Перевод: в случае чего-либо; если что-либо случится Пример: In case of fire we keep our computer backup files in a fireproof safe. Мы держим все резервные данные нашего компьютера в

Значение идиомы on all fours

[on all fours] {adv. phr.} 1. On all four legs; on hands and knees. Fido sat up to “beg” but dropped down on all fours to eat the dogbiscuit Sam gave him. Billy’s father

Значение идиомы at present

[at present] {adv. phr.} At this time; now. It took a long time to get started, but at present the road is half finished. At present the house is empty, but next week a

Значение идиомы behind one’s back

[behind one’s back] {adv. phr.} When one is absent; without one’s knowledge or consent; in a dishonest way; secretly; sneakily. Say it to his face, not behind his back. It is not right to

Перевод идиомы tell someone to his or her face / tell something to someone’s face, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: tell someone to his or her face / tell something to someone’s face Перевод: сказать что-либо кому-либо прямо, напрямую, в лицо Пример: I plan to tell my friend to his face about the

Значение идиомы put up a (brave

[put up a front] {v. phr.} To act courageously, even though one is actually afraid. When Joe was taken in for hisopen heart surgery, he put up a brave front, although his hands wereshaking.

Значение идиомы lock, stock, and barrel

[lock, stock, and barrel] {n. phr.} Everything; completely. Therobbers emptied the whole house – lock, stock, and barrel. Compare:HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER.

Перевод идиомы add fuel to the fire, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: add fuel to the fire Перевод: подливать масло в огонь; ухудшать ситуацию, положение Пример: The company added fuel to the fire when they criticized the workers. Компания подлила масла в огонь тем, что

Перевод идиомы have it coming (to someone), значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: have it coming (to someone) Перевод: заслуживать того, что случилось Пример: He really has it coming after causing many problems in his company. Он на самом деле заслуживает наказания за то, что вызвал

Значение идиомы get off easy

[get off easy] {v. phr.}, {informal} To have only a little trouble;escape something worse. The children who missed school to go to thefair got off easy. John got off easy because it was the
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