Значение идиомы have eyes only for
[have eyes only for] {v. phr.} To see or want nothing else but;give all your attention to; be interested only in. Of all thehorses in the show, John had eyes only for the big
Значение идиомы go along
[go along] {v.} 1. To move along; continue. Uncle Bill made upthe story as he went along. Compare: GO ON. 2. To go together oras company; go for fun. – Often used with “with”.
Значение идиомы within bounds
[within bounds] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Inside of the boundarylines in a game; on or inside of the playing field. You must hitthe ball inside the lines of the tennis court or it
Значение идиомы how about that
[how about that] or [what about that] {informal} An expression ofsurprise, congratulation, or praise. When Jack heard of hisbrother’s promotion, he exclaimed, “How about that!” Bill won thescholarship! What about that!
Значение идиомы up for grabs
[up for grabs] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Available for anyone to tryto get; ready to be competed for; there for the taking. When thecaptain of the football team moved out of town, his place was
Перевод идиомы come down to earth, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: come down to earth Перевод: спуститься на землю; перестать мечтать, воображать что-либо Пример: My friend has finally come down to earth and is seriously looking for a job. Мой друг, наконец-то, перестал витать
Значение идиомы go to bed with the chickens
[go to bed with the chickens] {v. phr.}, {informal} To go to bedearly at night. On the farm John worked hard and went to bed withthe chickens. Mr. Barnes goes to bed with the
Значение идиомы wet blanket
[wet blanket] {n.}, {informal} A person or thing that keeps othersfrom enjoying life. The teenagers don’t invite Bob to their partiesbecause he is a wet blanket. The weatherman throws a wet blanketon picnic plans
Значение идиомы no love lost
[no love lost] {n. phr.} Bad feeling; ill will. Bob and Dickboth wanted to be elected captain of the team, and there was no lovelost between them. There was no love lost between the
Перевод идиомы take one’s time, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: take one’s time Перевод: не спешить, не торопиться Пример: My friend took his time to return the book that he had borrowed. Мой друг не торопился отдавать книгу, которою он у меня взял.