[under one’s breath] {adv. phr.} In a whisper; with a low voice. The teacher heard the boy say something under his breath and sheasked him to repeat it aloud. I told Lucy the news
Идиома: in part Перевод: частично, отчасти Пример: I think that the reason he is not golfing well this year is in part because of his back problem. Я думаю, что в этом году он
[rough-and-ready] {adj.} 1. Not finished in detail; not perfected;rough but ready for use now. We asked Mr. Brown how long it wouldtake to drive to Chicago and his rough-and-ready answer was two days. 2.
[round off] {v.} 1. To make round or curved. John decided toround off the corners of the table he was making so that no one wouldbe hurt by bumping them. 2. To change to
[take it on the chin] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To be badly beatenor hurt. Our football team really took it on the chin today. Theyare all bumps and bruises. Mother and I took it
Идиома: keep one’s word Перевод: держать свое слово, обещание Пример: She never keeps her word, so I don’t believe that she will come to the party as she said. Она никогда не держит своего
Идиома: You don’t say! Перевод: Да ну! Не может быть! (используется для выражения удивления только что услышанным) Пример: “You don’t say”, he said when he heard about the accident on the highway. “Не может
[what for ] {interrog.} For what reason; why? I told Mary whatI was going to town for. What are you running for? – Often usedalone as a question. Billy’s mother told him to wear
[find] or [get one’s bearings] {v. phr.} To know where one is orwhere one is headed. “Without a compass,” the sergeant warned theenlisted men, “you will never find your bearings in the desert.”
Идиома: guinea pig Перевод: “подопытный кролик”, человек, над которым производят научные опыты Пример: He volunteered to act as a guinea pig in the experiment. Он добровольно согласился исполнять роль “подопытного кролика” в этом эксперименте.