Cuca: What possessed you to agree to become the head of the Homeowners’ association?
Emiliano: I’m just tired of all of the Waste and not Having a say. Our Dues keep going up and there seems to be Special assessments every year. I’m not even sure the association is following the Bylaws anymore. I just felt I had To step up.
Cuca: That’s really Admirable, but I hope you know what you’re getting into. There’s been a lot of Mismanagement, and you’ll have To do battle with some Entrenched members. They’re not going To look kindly on the Tough questions you’ll be asking.
Emiliano: Believe me, I’m not looking forward to it, but it’s got to be done.
Cuca: Talk about a thankless job.
Emiliano: Don’t I know it. I guess I’m just a Glutton for punishment!
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A Homeowners’ Association