[sing for one’s supper] {v. phr.}, {informal} To have to work forwhat one desires.
I realized a long time ago that I had to sing formy supper if I wanted to get ahead in my profession.
Моя любимая погода на английском.
My favourite country.
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- Значение идиомы tide over[tide over] {v.} To carry past a difficulty or danger; help in badtimes or in trouble. He was out of work last winter but he hadsaved enough money to tide him over until spring. An ice creamcone in the afternoon tided her over until supper. Compare: SEETHROUGH....
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- Значение идиомы off-the-cuff[off-the-cuff] {adj.}, {informal} Not prepared ahead of time. — Used of a speech or remarks. Jack was made master of ceremoniesbecause he was a good off-the-cuff speaker....
- Фразовый глагол get ahead of — перевод и значение, пример использованияФразовый глагол: get ahead of Перевод: догонять, настигать Пример: You need to work overtime in order to get ahead of schedule. Для того, чтобы успеть уложиться по графику, тебе необходимо работать сверхурочно....
- Перевод слова aheadAhead — будущий, грядущий; вперед, впереди Перевод слова To make a long cast ahead — делать прогноз на отдаленное будущее to get the go-ahead — получить сигнал начинать far ahead — далеко впереди ahead of one’s competitors — впереди соперников Our team was Ahead by three points. Наша команда была впереди на три очка. We ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы get going[get going] {v.}, {informal} 1. To excite; stir up and make angry. The boys’ teasing gets John going. Talking about her frecklesgets Mary going. 2. or {chiefly British} [get cracking] To begin tomove; get started. The teacher told Walter to get going on hishistory lesson. The foreman told the workmen to get cracking. Let’s get ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы a few[a few] {n.} or {adj.} A small number ; some. The dry weather killed most of Mother’s flowers, but a few are left. In the store, Mary saw many pretty rings and bracelets, and she wanted to buy a few of them. After the party, we thought that no one would help clean up, but ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы sink in[sink in] or [soak in] {v.}, {informal} To be completelyunderstood; be fully realized or felt. Everybody laughed at thejoke but Joe; it took a moment for it to sink in before he laughedtoo. When Frank heard that war had started, it didn’t sink in fora long time until his father was drafted into the army. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы down the line[down the line] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. Down the road or street; straight ahead. The church is down the line a few blocks. 2. All the way; completely; thoroughly. Bob always follows the teacher’s directions right down the line....
- Значение идиомы all ears[all ears] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Very eager to hear; very attentive. — Used in the predicate. Go ahead with your story; we are all ears. When John told about the circus, the boys were all ears....
- Значение идиомы be off[be off] {v. phr.} 1. {v.} To be in error; miscalculate. The estimator was off by at least 35% on the value of the house. 2. {v.} To leave. Jack ate his supper in a hurry and was off without saying goodbye. 3. {adj.} Cancelled; terminated. The weather was so bad that we were told ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы sing for one’s supper