[side with] {v.} To agree with; help.
Alan always sides withJohnny in an argument.
Gerald sided with the plan to move theclub.
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- Значение идиомы through street[through street] {n.} 1. A street on which cars can move withoutstopping at intersections, but cars on streets crossing it have tostop at the intersection. You have to be especially carefulcrossing a through street. Mr. Jones stopped his car when he cameto the through street. He waited until there were no cars on it, anddrove ... Читать далее...
- Finding a Parking SpaceAlan: We have to find a Parking space. Let’s drive around the Block one more time. Did you say that the restaurant we’re going to has no Off-street parking at all? Sasha: None. When I called the restaurant earlier today, I was told they have Ample street parking. Alan: Obviously not on a Saturday night. ... Читать далее...
- N equals N plus oneTheorem: n=n+1 Proof: (n+1)^2 = n^2 + 2*n + 1 Bring 2n+1 to the left: (n+1)^2 — (2n+1) = n^2 Substract n(2n+1) from both sides and factoring, we have: (n+1)^2 — (n+1)(2n+1) = n^2 — n(2n+1) Adding 1/4(2n+1)^2 to both sides yields: (n+1)^2 — (n+1)(2n+1) + 1/4(2n+1)^2 = n^2 — n(2n+1) + 1/4(2n+1)^2 This may ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы talk into[talk into] {v.} 1. To get to agree to; make decide on by talking; persuade to. — Used with averbal noun. Bob talked us into walking home with him. Compare:TALK OVER. Contrast TALK OUT OF. 2. To cause to be in or to getinto by talking. You talked us into this mess. Now get us ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы within bounds[within bounds] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Inside of the boundarylines in a game; on or inside of the playing field. You must hitthe ball inside the lines of the tennis court or it will not be withinbounds. If you kick the football over a side-line, it will not bein bounds. 2. Inside of a ... Читать далее...
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- The Blind DateI Broke up With my boyfriend last month. We had Gone out for a year and I was ready to Settle down. But, I could tell that he still wanted to Play the field before getting married. I don’t think Don ever Cheated on Me, but I finally realized that he wasn’t The Marrying type. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы back up[back up] {v.} 1. To move backwards. The train was backing up. 2. To help or be ready to help; stay behind to help; agree with and speak in support of. Jim has joined the Boy Scouts and his fatheris backing him up. The principal backs up the faculty. Jim told us what had happened ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы get the brush-off[get the brush-off] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To be paid no attention;not be listened to or thought important. My idea for a party gotthe brush-off from the other children. 2. To be treated in an unkindor unfriendly way; be ignored. Frank and Jane had an argument, sothe next time he telephoned her, he got the ... Читать далее...
- Mrs. Grednik, who was a little on the chubby sideMrs. Grednik, who was a little on the chubby side, was at her weight-watchers meeting.»My husband insists I come to these meetings because he would rather screw a woman with a trim figure.» she lamented to the woman next to her. «Well,» the lady replied, «what’s wrong with that?» «He likes to do it while ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы side with