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Значение идиомы regular guy
[regular guy] or [regular fellow] {n.}, {informal} A friendlyperson who is easy to get along with; a good sport.
You’ll likeTom. He’s a regular guy.
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- Значение идиомы all right[all right ] {adv. phr.} 1. Well enough. The new machine is running all right. 2. {informal} I am willing; yes. “Shall we watch television?” “All right.” Compare: VERY WELL. 3. {informal} Beyond question, certainly. – Used for emphasis and placed after the word it modifies. It’s time to leave, all right, but the bus […]...
- Значение идиомы son of a bitch[son of a bitch] or [sunuvabitch] also S. O. B. {n. phr.}, {vulgar},{avoidable} . Fellow, character, guy, individual. Negatively: Get out of here you filthy, miserablesunuvabitch! Positively: So you won ten million dollars at thelottery, you lucky son of a bitch! Compare: SON OF AGUN....
- Значение идиомы have it over[have it over] or [have it all over] {v. phr.} To be better than;be superior to. Anne has it all over Jane in looks and charm. Aprofessional golfer usually has it all over an amateur. A jeep hasit over a regular car on rough mountain trails. Compare: BEAT ALLHOLLOW....
- Значение идиомы in a way[in a way] {adv. phr.} 1. also {informal} [in a kind of way] or{informal} [in a sort of way] To a certain extent; a little; somewhat. I like Jane in a way, but she is very proud. Compare: AFTER AFASHION, MORE OR LESS. 2. In one thing. In a way, this book iseasier: it is […]...