[pass the hat] {v. phr.} To solicit money; take up collections fora cause.
The businessmen’s club frequently passes the hat forcontributions toward scholarships.
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- Could you please passThe nervous young bride became irritated by her husband’s lusty advances on their wedding night and reprimanded him severely. «I demand proper manners in bed,» she declared, «just as I do at the dinner table.» Amused by his wife’s formality, the groom smoothed his rumpled hair and climbed quietly between the sheets. «Is that better?» ... Читать далее...
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- Pass outФразовый глагол / Phrasal verb Pass out (126) — разг. терять сознание, отключиться, вырубиться; а также амер. сленг напиться до потери сознания, быть мертвецки пьяным His eyes fluttered. If he Passed out, we might lose him. There was nothing in the night but the sounds of cicada and the wind. Where the hell was everyone? ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы at worst[at worst] or [at the worst] {adv. phr.} 1. Under the worst conditions; as the worst possibility. When Don was caught cheating in the examination he thought that at worst he would get a scolding. Compare: AT MOST. Contrast AT BEST. 2. In the least favorable view, to say the worst about a thing. The ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы dig down[dig down] {v.}, {slang} To spend your own money. The school let the club use the bus and driver free for their trip, but they had to dig down to pay for gas and meals. «So you broke Mrs. Brown’s window?» Tom’s father said, «You’ll have to dig down and pay for it»....
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Значение идиомы pass the hat