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Значение идиомы opposite sex
[opposite sex] {n. phr.} The sex different from the one beingdiscussed or mentioned.
Fred came out and said he was gay, havingnever had any interest in the opposite sex.
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- Значение идиомы eat out[eat out] {v.} 1. To eat in a restaurant; eat away from home. Fred ate out often even when he wasn’t out of town. 2. To rust, rot, or be destroyed in time. Rust had eaten out the gun barrel. See:EAT AWAY....
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- Значение идиомы hunt up[hunt up] {v.} To find or locate by search. When John was inChicago, he hunted up some old friends. The first thing Fred hadto do was to hunt up a hotel room....
- Значение идиомы sit on[sit on] {v.} 1. To be a member of, etc. Mr. Brown sat on the jury at the trial. 2. {informal} Toprevent from starting or doing something; squelch. The teacher saton Fred before he could get started with the long story. Theteacher sat on Joe as soon as he began showing off....