[no matter] 1. Not anything important.
I wanted to see himbefore he left but it’s no matter.
2. It makes no difference;regardless of.
She was going to be a singer no matter whatdifficulties she met.
He had to get the car fixed no matter howmuch it cost.
No matter what you try to do, it is important to beable to speak well.
You can’t go in no matter who you are.
Mary wanted to get to school on time, no matter if she went withoutbreakfast.
Неопределенные наречия в английском языке.
Перевод слова cross the.
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- Retiring AbroadWanda: I just heard the news. You’re moving to McQuillanland? George: I am. I’ve decided To retire abroad. Wanda: Why? George: It makes a lot of sense for people with a Fixed income. Social Security will Only go so far here, but the Cost of living is much lower in other countries, including McQuillanland. I ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы no matter