Значение идиомы look out

[look out] or [watch out] {v.} 1. To take care; be careful; be onguard. — Usually used as a command or warning.

«Look out!» Johncalled, as the car came toward me.

«Look out for the train,» thesign at the railroad crossing warns.

2. To be alert or watchful; keepwatching.

A collector of antique cars asked Frank to look out for a1906 gas head lamp.

Compare: EYE OUT, ON THE WATCH. 3. {informal} Towatch or keep and do what is needed; provideprotection and care. — Used with «for».

Lillian looked out for hersister’s children one afternoon a week.

Uncle Fred looked out forhis brother’s orphan son until the boy was through college.


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Значение идиомы look out