Значение идиомы hold up

[hold up] {v.} 1. To raise; lift.

John held up his hand.

2. Tosupport; hear; carry.

The chair was too weak to hold up Mrs. Smith.

3. To show; call attention to; exhibit.

The teacher held upexcellent models of composition for her class to imitate.

4. Tocheck; stop; delay.

The wreck held up traffic on the railroad’smain line tracks.

5. {informal} To rob at gunpoint.

Masked menheld up the bank.

6. To keep one’s courage or spirits up; remaincalm; keep control of oneself.

The grieving mother held up for herchildren’s sake.

7. To remain good; not get worse.

Sales held upwell.

Our team’s luck held up and they won the game.

Theweather held up and the game was played.

8. To prove true.

Thepolice were doubtful at first, but Tony’s story held up.

9. To delayaction; defer; postpone. Often used with «on».

The college held upon plans for the building until more money came in.

The Presidentheld up on the news until he was sure of it.

Диалог про достопримечательности на английском.
How i spent my winter holidays.

Значение идиомы hold up