[go broke] {v. phr.}, {slang} To lose all one’s money; especiallyby taking a chance; owe more than you can pay.
The inventor wentbroke because nobody would buy his machine.
Dan had a quarter buthe went broke matching pennies with Fred.
Crime and punishment.
Healthy food.
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- Значение идиомы dig down[dig down] {v.}, {slang} To spend your own money. The school let the club use the bus and driver free for their trip, but they had to dig down to pay for gas and meals. «So you broke Mrs. Brown’s window?» Tom’s father said, «You’ll have to dig down and pay for it»....
- Значение идиомы fat chance[fat chance] {n. phr.}, {slang} Little or no possibility; almost nochance. A high school team would have a fat chance of beating astrong college team. Jane is pretty and popular; you will have afat chance of getting a date with her. Compare: GHOST OF A....
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- Значение идиомы lose one’s temper[lose one’s temper] {v. phr.} To lose control over one’s anger; toget angry. He lost his temper when he broke the key in the lock. Compare: BLOW A FUSE, FLY OFF THE HANDLE. Contrast: HOLD ONE’S TEMPER....
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- Man Hospitalized After Shooting 3 Men Who Broke Into His Home, Wanted To Rape His GranddaughterA grandfather from Lumberton, North Carolina, proved himself a force to be reckoned with after he found himself face to face with three armed men who broke into his home Monday night and allegedly attempted to rape his 19-year-old granddaughter. Kenneth Byrd, 67, and his wife were reportedly at home at around 10 p. m. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы miss out[miss out] {v.}, {informal} To fail; lose or not take a goodchance; miss something good. Jim’s mother told him he missed out ona chance to go fishing with his father because he came home late. You missed out by not coming with us; we had a great time. Compare:LOSE OUT....
- Значение идиомы break into[break into] {v.} 1. To force an entrance into; make a rough or unlawful entrance into. Thieves broke into the store at night. 2. {informal} To succeed in beginning. He broke into television as an actor. 3. To interrupt. He broke into the discussion with a shout of warning. 4. To begin suddenly. He broke ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы slip through one’s fingers[slip through one’s fingers] {v. phr.} To escape without someone’sknowing how. Policemen surrounded the building, but the thiefmanaged to slip through their fingers. Mike earns a good wage, buthe doesn’t save a penny. Money just slips through his fingers....
- Значение идиомы lose one’s shirt[lose one’s shirt] {v. phr.}, {slang} To lose all or most of yourmoney. Uncle Joe spent his life savings to buy a store, but itfailed, and he lost his shirt. Mr. Matthews lost his shirt bettingon the horses....
- Значение идиомы win one’s spurs[win one’s spurs] {v. phr.} 1. In old times, to be named a knightwith the right to wear little sharp spikes on your heels. A youngsquire won his spurs in battle. 2. To win fame or honor. The younglieutenant won his spurs by leading an attack on enemy machine guns. Edison won his spurs as ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы flip one’s lid[flip one’s lid] also [flip one’s wig] {slang} 1. To lose one’stemper. When that pushy salesman came back Mom really flipped herlid. Compare: BLOW A FUSE. 2. To lose your mind; become insane. When he offered me three times the pay I was getting, I thought hehad flipped his lid. 3. To become unreasonably enthusiastic. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы taking pictures[taking pictures] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {citizen’s band radio jargon}To use a radar-operated speed indicator in order to enforce the 55 MPHspeed limit. The Smokeys are taking pictures!...
- Значение идиомы break out[break out] {v.} 1. To begin showing a rash or other skin disorder. — Often used with «with». He broke out with scarlet fever. 2. To speak or act suddenly and violently. He broke out laughing. She broke out, «That is not so!» 3. To begin and become noticeable. Fire broke out after the earthquake. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы get the bounce[get the bounce] or [get the gate] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. or [getthe air] To lose one’s sweetheart; not be kept for a friend or lover. Joe is sad because he just got the gate from his girl. Shirleywas afraid she might get the air from her boyfriend if she went outwith other boys while ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы lose face[lose face] {v.} To be embarrassed or shamed by an error orfailure; lose dignity, influence or reputation; lose self-respect orthe confidence of others. Many Japanese soldiers were killed inWorld War II because they believed that to give up or retreat wouldmake them lose face. John’s careless work made him lose face withhis employer. The banker ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы one-armed bandit[one-armed bandit] {n.}, {slang} A slot machine, like those used inLas Vegas and other gambling places. Joe was playing the one-armedbandit all day — and he lost everything he had....
- Значение идиомы lay off[lay off] {v. phr.} 1. To mark out the boundaries or limits. Helaid off a baseball diamond on the vacant lot. Compare: LAY OUT.2. To put out of work. The company lost the contract for making theshoes and laid off half its workers. 3. {slang} To stop bothering;leave alone. — Usually used in the imperative. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы all wet[all wet] {adj.}, {slang} Entirely confused or wrong; mistaken. When the Wright brothers said they could build a flying machine, people thought they were all wet. If you think I like baseball, you’re all wet. Compare: OFF ONE’S ROCKER....
- Значение идиомы in the red[in the red] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In an unprofitableway; so as to lose money. A large number of American radio stationsoperate in the red. A rich man who has a farm or ranch often runsit in the red, but makes his money with his factory or business. Contrast: IN THE BLACK....
- Значение идиомы two bits[two bits] {n.}, {slang} Twenty-five cents; a quarter of a dollar. A haircut only cost two bits when Grandfather was young. Compare:FOUR BITS, SIX BITS....
- Значение идиомы in the chips[in the chips] {slang} or {informal} [in the money] {adj. phr.}Having plenty of money; prosperous; rich. After his rich uncledied, Richard was in the chips. After years of struggle anddependence, air transportation is in the money. Compare: ON EASYSTREET, WELL-TO-DO....
- Значение идиомы hit the dirt[hit the dirt] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {military} To take cover undergunfire by falling on the ground. We hit the dirt the moment weheard the machine gun fire....
- Значение идиомы break off[break off] {v.} 1. To stop suddenly. The speaker was interrupted so often that he broke off and sat down. When Bob came in, Jean broke off her talk with Linda and talked to Bob. 2. {informal} To end a friendship or love. I hear that Tom and Alice have broken off. She broke off ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы on the spot[on the spot] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. or [upon the spot] At thatexact time and at the same time or place; without waiting or leaving. The news of important events is often broadcast on the spot overtelevision. When Tom ruined an expensive machine, his boss firedhim on the spot. Compare: AT ONCE, IN ONE’S ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы sit on one’s hands[sit on one’s hands] {v. phr.}, {informal} To do nothing; fail orrefuse to do anything. We asked Bill for help with our project, buthe sat on his hands....
- Перевод слова machineMachine — машина, механизм Перевод слова Duplex calculating machine — сдвоенная вычислительная машина to cast machine parts — отливать детали машин cleaning machine — очистная установка The Machine handles well. Машина работает очень послушно. Is the Machine going now? Машина в порядке? He oiled the bearings of the Machine. Он смазал маслом подшипники машины. Интересные ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы go broke