[from way back] {adv. phr.} From a previous time; from a long timeago.
They have known one another from way back when they went tothe same elementary school.
What time is it упражнения.
Books in our life.
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- Значение идиомы open one’s eyes[open one’s eyes] or [open up one’s eyes] {v. phr.} To make aperson see or understand the truth; make a person realize; tell aperson what is really happening or what really exists. Mary didn’tbelieve that her cousin could be mean until the cousin opened Mary’seyes by scratching and biting her. John’s eyes were opened up ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы what’s up[what’s up] or [what’s cooking] also [what’s doing] {slang} What ishappening or planned; what is wrong. — Often used as a greeting. «What’s up?» asked Bob as he joined his friends. «Are you going tothe movies?» What’s cooking? Why is the crowd in the street? What’s doing tonight at the club? Hello Bob, what’s up? ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы with bells on[with bells on] {adv. phr.}, {informal} With enthusiasm; eager orready and in the best of spirits for an event. «Will you come tothe farewell party I’m giving for Billy?» asked Jerry. «I’ll be therewith bells on,» replied Ed....
- Значение идиомы to the bone[to the bone] {adv.}, {slang}, {informal} Thoroughly, entirely, tothe core, through all layers. I am dreadfully tired; I’ve worked myfingers to the bone. See: ALSO WORK ONE’S FINGERS TO THE BONE....
- Значение идиомы take to the woods[take to the woods] {v. phr.}, {informal} To run away and hide. When John saw the girls coming, he took to the woods. Bob took tothe woods so he would not have to mow the grass. Compare: HEAD FORTHE HILLS....
- Значение идиомы get one’s dander up[get one’s dander up] or [get one’s Irish up] {v. phr.} To becomeor make angry. The boy got his dander up because he couldn’t go tothe store. The children get the teacher’s dander up when they makea lot of noise. Compare: BLOW A FUSE....
- Значение идиомы play to the gallery[play to the gallery] {v. phr.} To try to get the approval of theaudience. Whenever John recites in class he seems to be playing tothe gallery. The lawyer for the defense was more interested inplaying to the gallery than in winning the case. Compare: SHOW OFF....
- Значение идиомы to a fault[to a fault] {adv. phr.} So very well that it is in a way bad; tothe point of being rather foolish; too well; too much. Aunt Maywants everything in her house to be exactly right; she is neat to afault. Mary acts her part to a fault. John carriesthoroughness to a fault; he spends many ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы tie down[tie down] {v.} To keep from going somewhere or doingsomething; prevent from leaving; keep in. Mrs. Brown can’t come tothe party. She’s tied down at home with the children sick. Thenavy tied the enemy down with big gunfire while the marines landed onthe beach. I can’t help you with history now! I’m tied down withthese ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы front court[front court] {n.} The half of a basketball court that is abasketball team’s offensive zone. The guard brought the ball up tothe front court....
- Значение идиомы live out[live out] {v.} 1. To finish ; spend. Smithlived out the year in the North as he had agreed, but then moved tothe South again. After retiring, John and his wife lived out theirlives in Florida. 2. To last through; endure to the end of. Welived out the winter on short ration. He lived out ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы pillar of society[pillar of society] {n. phr.} A leading figure who contributes tothe support and the well-being of his Her society; a person ofirreproachable character. Mrs. Brown, the director of our classicalsymphony fund, is a true pillar of society....
- Значение идиомы the three R’s[the three R’s] {n. phr.} riting, reading, and rithmetic, thethree basic skills of an elementary education. Barry has completedthe three R’s, but otherwise he has had little formal education....
- Значение идиомы stay put[stay put] {v. phr.} To stay in place; not leave. Harry’s fathertold him to stay put until he came back. The rocks can be glued tothe bulletin board to make them stay put. After Grandmother camehome from her trip to visit Aunt May, she said she wanted to stay putfor a while....
- Education in CanadaThe school system of Canada is very much like the one in the USA, but there are certain differences. Education in Canada is general and compulsory for children from 6 to 16 years old, and in some provinces — to 14. It is within the competence of the local authorities, and therefore it may differ ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы fed up[fed up] also [fed to the gills] or [fed tothe teeth] {adj. phr.} Having had too much of something; at the end ofyour patience; disgusted; bored; tired. People get fed up withanyone who brags all the time. I’ve had enough of his complaints. I’m fed up. He was fed to the teeth with television and ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы high as a kite[high as a kite] {adj.} 1. As excited and happy as one can possiblybe. When Eric won the lottery he was high as a kite. 2.Intoxicated or under the influence of some drug. Jeff has beendrinking again and he is high as a kite. Compare: THREE SHEETS IN TOTHE WIND....
- Значение идиомы give oneself up to[give oneself up to] {v. phr.} Not to hold yourself back from; letyourself enjoy. Uncle Willie gave himself up to a life ofwandering. John came inside from the cold and gave himself up tothe pleasure of being in a warm room. Compare: ENJOY ONESELF, LETONESELF GO....
- Education in the USA (2)Education in the United States of America is compulsory for children from the age of 6 till 16 (or 18). It involves 12 years of schooling. A school year starts at the end of August or at the beginning of September and ends in late June or early July. The whole school year is divided ... Читать далее...
- American and British schools — Американские и Британские школыIn America, all children from six to sixteen go to school. They spend six years in «elementary» school, and four or six years in «secondary» or «high» school. School education is free. At the end of every school year, the children take a test. If a child does well, he goes into next class («grade»). ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы half a mind[half a mind] also [half a notion] {n. phr.}, {informal} A wish orplan that you have not yet decided to act on; a thought of possiblydoing something. — Used after «have» or «with» and before «to» and aninfinitive. I have half a mind to stop studying and walk over tothe brook. Jerry went home with ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы write home about[write home about] {v. phr.} To become especially enthusiastic orexcited about; boast about. — Often used after «to». Mary’s trip tothe World’s Fair was something to write home about. Joe did a goodenough job of painting but it was nothing to write home about. «That was a dinner worth writing home about!» said Bill coming ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы poison-pen[poison-pen] {adj.} Containing threats or false accusations;written in spite or to get revenge, and usually unsigned. Mrs. Smith received a poison-pen letter telling her that her husband wasuntrue. To get revenge on Mary, Alice wrote a poison-pen letter tothe teacher and signed Mary’s name to it....
- Значение идиомы weasel out[weasel out] {v. phr.} To renege on a previous promise; not keep anobligation for some not always straight reason. I’m so tired Ithink I am going to weasel my way out of going to that meeting thisafternoon....
- Значение идиомы give a hang[give a hang] or [care a hang] {v. phr.}, {informal} To have anyinterest or liking; care. — Used also with other words in the place of»hang», such as «damn», «rap», «straw»; usually used in the negative. You can quit helping me if you want to. I don’t give a hang. Some people don’t care a ... Читать далее...
- Schooling in the United StatesAmericans have shown a great concern for education since early colonial times. Today, there are some 43 million pupils and students in public schools at the elementary and secondary levels, and another 6 million in private schools throughout the country. The USA does not have a national system of education. The function of the Federal ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы head start[head start] {n.} 1. A beginning before someone; lead or advantageat the beginning. The other racers knew they couldn’t catch Don ifhe got too big a head start. Joe has a head start. He began tostudy earlier than we did. 2. A good beginning. Let’s get a headstart in painting the house by getting up ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы from way back