[fair catch] {n.} A catch of a kicked football by a player after heholds up his hand to show that he will not run with the ball.
Hesaw that he would not be able to run with the ball, so he signalledfor a fair catch.
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- Charlie Sheen Once Bought 2,600+ Outfield Seats At An Angels’ Game Because He Wanted To Catch A Home Run BallCharlie Sheen has been making a bit of news this week with outlandish comments on TV and radio appearances, but his bizarre behavior is nothing new. In 1996, Sports Illustrated included a blurb in its «Scorecard» section that described Sheen’s trip to a California Angels game. Apparently, Sheen was determined to catch a home run ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы catch one’s eye[catch one’s eye] {v. phr.} To attract your attention. I caugh this eye as he moved through the crowd, and waved at him to come over. The dress in the window caught her eye when she passed the store....
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Значение идиомы fair catch