[common ground] {n.} Shared beliefs, interests, or ways of understanding; ways in which people are alike.
Bob and Frank don’t like each other because they have no common ground.
The only common ground between us is that we went to the same school.
Compare: IN COMMON.
День гая фокса на английском языке с переводом.
Как перевести слово cotton.
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- Перевод идиомы hit the ground running, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: hit the ground running Перевод: быстро включиться в работу; сразу погрузиться в выполнение чего-либо Пример: If elected, they promise to hit the ground running in their first few weeks of office. Если их выберут, они обещают включиться в работу в первые несколько недель своего пребывания у власти....
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- Значение идиомы who’s who[who’s who] or [who is who] {informal} 1. Who this one is and whothat one is; who the different ones in a group of people are or whattheir names or positions are. It is hard to tell who is who in theparade because everyone in the band looks alike. It took the newteacher a few ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы stamping ground[stamping ground] {n.}, {informal} A place where a person spendsmuch of his time. Pete’s soda fountain is an afterschool stampingground. When John returned to his hometown many years later, hevisited all of his old stamping grounds....
- Значение идиомы come to[come to] {v.} 1. To wake up after losing consciousness; get the use of your senses back again after fainting or being knocked out. She fainted in the store and found herself in the first aid room when she came to. The boxer who was knocked out did not come to for five minutes. The ... Читать далее...
- Divided by a Common Language — Разделенные общим языкомGeorge Bernard Shaw said that America and Britain were two nations divided by a common language. But how different is British English from American English? Some British and American people gave their definitions for some common words. Something that you burn for heating and cooking Something you put in your car make it go A ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы catch up[catch up] {v.} 1. To take or pick up suddenly; grab. She caught up the book from the table and ran out of the room. 2. To capture or trap in a situation; concern or interest very much. — Usually used in the passive with «in». The Smith family was caught up in the war ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы common ground