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Значение идиомы cast
[cast] or [shed] or [throw light upon] {v. phr.} To explain; illuminate; clarify.
The letters that were found suddenly cast a new light on the circumstances of Tom’s disappearance.
Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity threw light upon the enigma of our universe.

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- Значение идиомы throw open [throw open] 1. To open wide with a sudden or strong movement. He dashed in and threw open the windows. 2. To remove limits from. The Homestead Act threw open the West. When a hurricane and floodleft many people homeless, public buildings were thrown open toshelter them....
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- Значение идиомы throw out of gear [throw out of gear] {v. phr.} 1. To separate the gears of when you want to stop it. When John wanted tostop, he threw the car out of gear and braked sharply. 2. To stop orbother ; confuse; upset. Thewhole country was thrown out of gear by the assassination of thePresident. My mother’s illness threw […]...
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