[carry weight] {n.} To be influential; have significance and/or clout; impress.
A letter of recommendation from a full professor carries more weight than a letter from an assistant professor.
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- Sister Ann, arent you putting on a little weight?«Sister Ann, aren’t you putting on a little weight?» inquired Father Dan during his visit to the convent, suspiciously eyeing her bulging stomach. «Why, no Father,» answered the nun demurely, «It’s just a little gas.» A few months later Father Dan put the same question to the nun noticing her habit barely fit across her ... Читать далее...
- Фразовый глагол carry out — перевод и значение, пример использованияФразовый глагол: carry out Перевод: выполнять; проводить Пример: Tests are carried out to determine the efficiency of a new drug. Тесты проводятся, чтобы определить эффективность нового лекарства....
Значение идиомы carry weight