[carry out] {v.} To put into action; follow; execute.
The generals were determined to carry out their plans to defeat the enemy.
John listened carefully and carried out the teacher’s instructions.
My favourite food is на английском.
Достопримечательности сша на английском с переводом.
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- Значение идиомы carry one’s cross[carry one’s cross] or {literary} [bear one’s cross] {v. phr.} To live with pain or trouble; keep on even though you suffer or have trouble. Weak ankles are a cross Joe carries while the other boys play basketball. We didn’t know the cheerful woman was bearing her cross, a son in prison....
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- Значение идиомы dispose of[dispose of] {v.} 1. To throw away; give away, or sell; get rid of. John’s father wants to dispose of their old house and buy a new one. The burglars had difficulty in disposing of the stolen jewelry. 2. To finish with; settle; complete. The boys were hungry, and quickly disposed of their dinner. The ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы carry coals to Newcastle[carry coals to Newcastle] {v. phr.} To do something unnecessary; bring or furnish something of which there is plenty. The man who waters his grass after a good rain is carrying coals to Newcastle. Joe was carrying coals to Newcastle when he told the doctor how to cure a cold. ....
- Carry onФразовый глагол / Phrasal verb Carry on* (167) – продолжать заниматься чем-л. Carry on! Don’t mind us! Продолжай! Не обращай внимания на нас! He shrugged, carried on eating. Он пожал плечами, продолжая есть. And I couldn’t carry on doing what I was doing either. И я (уже) не могла Продолжать заниматься тем, чем я занималась ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы dig in[dig in] {v.}, {informal} 1. To dig ditches for protection against an enemy attack. The soldiers dug in and waited for the enemy to come. 2a. To go seriously to work; work hard. John dug in and finished his homework very quickly. 2b. To begin eating. Mother set the food on the table and told ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы bear one’s cross / carry one’s cross, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: bear one’s cross / carry one’s cross Перевод: нести крест, нести бремя Пример: Raising three children on her own was the way that the woman had to bear her cross. Воспитание трех детей одной — вот бремя, которое пришлось нести этой женщине....
- Перевод слова defeatDefeat — поражение, проигрыш, отмена Перевод слова To concede defeat — признавать поражение to defeat a motion — отклонить ходатайство the defeat of a bill — провал законопроекта We were Defeated by 3 goals to 2. Мы проиграли со счетом 3 : 2. She was a woman who hated to admit Defeat. Она была женщиной, ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы bull in a china shop[bull in a china shop] {n. phr.} A rough or clumsy person who says or does something to anger others or upset plans; a tactless person. We were talking politely and carefully with the teacher about a class party, but John came in like a bull in a china shop and his rough talk made ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth[eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth] A blow or injury should begiven back as hard as each one that is received; every crime or injuryshould be punished or paid back. In ancient times if a man’s eyewas put out by his enemy, he might get revenge by putting his enemy’seye out. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы vanity case[vanity case] {n.} 1. A small case containing face powder, lipstick, and other things and usually carried in a woman’s handbag; acompact. She took out her vanity case and put lipstick on. 2. Ahandbag or a small bag carried by a woman and holding various toiletarticles. She had the porter carry her big bags and ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы any old how[any old how] [any old way] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Doing something in a casual, haphazard, or careless way. «John,» the teacher said, «you can’t just do your homework any old way; you must pay attention to my instructions!»...
Значение идиомы carry out