[backward and forward] or [backwards and forwards] {adv. phr.} To the full extent; in all details; thoroughly; completely.
He understood automobile engines backwards and forwards.
He knew basketball rules backwards and forwards.
I explained matters to him so that he understood backwards and forwards how it was.
My biografia.
My favourite holiday.
Related topics:
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- Drink fault-finding guideA solution to all of your drinking troubles Symptom: Drinking fails to give satisfaction and taste; shirt front is wet. Fault: Mouth not open or glass being applied to wrong part of face. Solution: Buy another pint and practice in front of a mirror. Continue with as many pints as necessary until drinking technique is ... Читать далее...
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- Backward SantaAs a little girl climbed onto Santa’s lap, Santa asked the usual, «And what would you like for Christmas?» The child stared at him open mouthed and horrified for a minute, then gasped: «Didn’t you get my E-mail?»...
- IDAHO TEACHER TRIES TO MOVE FORWARD AFTER SEX ED COMPLAINTDIETRICH — Tim McDaniel’s world turned upside down in 2013. The Dietrich science teacher found out four parents filed an ethics complaint against him as a result of a sex education lesson he taught. The Idaho Professional Standards Commission dropped the complaint and didn’t take action. But news of the complaint in Dietrich — a ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы full of beans[full of beans] {adj. phr.}, {slang} 1. Full of pep; feeling good;in high spirits. The football team was full of beans after winningthe tournament. The children were full of beans as they got readyfor a picnic. 2. also [full of prunes] Being foolish and talkingnonsense. You are full of prunes; that man’s not 120 years ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы eyes open[eyes open] 1. Careful watch or attention; readiness to see. — Usually used with «for». Keep your eyes open for a boy in a red capand sweater. The hunter had his eyes open for rabbits. Theydrove on with their eyes open for a gas station. Syn.: EYE OUT, KEEPONE’S EYES PEELED. 2. Full knowledge; especially ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы backward and forward