[ahead of time] {adv. phr.} Before the expected time; early.
The bus came ahead of time, and Mary was not ready.
The new building was finished ahead of time.
Contrast: BEHIND TIME.
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- Значение идиомы close the door[close the door] or [bar the door] or [shut the door] {v. phr.} To prevent any more action or talk about a subject. The President’s veto closed the door to any new attempt to pass the bill. Joan was much hurt by what Mary said, and she closed the door on Mary’s attempt to apologize. ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы hand on[hand on] {v.} To pass along to the next person who should have it. Everyone in class should read this, so when you have finished, please hand it on. In the early days, news was handed on from oneperson to another....
Значение идиомы ahead of time