[ahead of] {prep.} 1. In a position of advantage or power over.
He studies all the time, because he wants to stay ahead of his classmates.
2. In front of; before.
The troop leader walked a few feet ahead of the boys.
3. Earlier than; previous to, before.
Betty finished her test ahead of the others.
My home is my castle.
Favourite town.
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- Значение идиомы thumb one’s nose[thumb one’s nose] {v. phr.} 1. To hold one’s open hand in front ofone’s face with one’s thumb pointed at one’s nose as a sign of scornor dislike. After Bob ran into the house he thumbed his nose at Tomthrough the window. 2. {informal} To look with disfavor or dislike;regard with scorn; refuse to obey. ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы ahead of