US Congress
The United States of America is a federal republic consisting of50 states. Each of them has its own goverment (“stategoverment”). In some ways the United States are like 50 smallcountries. Each state has its own governor, its own police andits own laws. The present constitution was proclaimed in 1787 inPhiladelphia, the President is the head of the whole country andthe goverment and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Hemakes the most important decisions and chooses the ministers, themembers of his cabinet. But the President cannot do what hewants. The Congress must agree with it first. Americans choose a newpresident every four years. The residence of the President is theWhite House in Washington, the capital city. The goverment of thewhole country (the Federal goverment) works from Washington, thisis where the Congress is based. The Capitol is the seat of the USCongress. Congress is the American parliament which consists of 2chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The firstCongress met in 1789 in New York city. The membership thenconsisted of 22 senators and 59 representatives. Today the Houseof Representatives has 435 members. Elections of the house takeplace every 2 years. There are 100 senators (2 from each state),they are elected to serve for a period of six years, but everytwo years elections of the senate take place when one third ofits members must be changed or re-elected. Election day is alwaysin the month of November, on the first Tuesday, after the firstMonday. Americans who aren’t yet 25 years old have no right to beelected to the House of Representatives. Those, who are under 30,can’t be elected in the Senate. The main political parties in theUnited States of America are the Democratic Party and theRepubllican Party.





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