Уроки по английскому языку – Урок 60

To get Let’s look at some expressions with the verb “to get”.* These expressions are very common1, and you already know* a few. Here are some more. Try and learn them. He gets* up

Упражнения “Конструкция to be going to для выражения будущности” (с ответами)

1. Павел мечтает о будущем. Напишите о его планах, используя конструкцию to be going to. Н-р: I… (study) astronomy at university. – I’m going to study astronomy at university. (Я собираюсь изучать астрономию в

Уроки по английскому языку – Урок 8

Can I help you?1 Have you got any tea?2 Of course. Do you want some?3 Yes please. Give me two pounds4. And a packet of biscuits. Do you want some beans? No thanks. We’ve

Уроки по английскому языку – Урок 12

Do I play? do we play? do you play? do they play? Does he (or does she) play? I don’t (do not) play; we don’t play; you don’t play; they don’t play; he (or

Упражнения “Предложения с оборотами There is/There are” (с ответами)

1. Опишите маленький английский городок, используя обороты There is/There are. Составьте утвердительные (+) и отрицательные (-) предложения. Н-р: a theatre (+) – There is a theatre in the town. (В городе есть театр.) Two

Уроки по английскому языку – Урок 20

Have you got any cigarettes? Yes, what kind1 do you want? Oh, Turkish ones2 please. – Here you are, sir. Thank you. How much is that? Fifty pence3, please. Mother. – My son’s a

Уроки по английскому языку – Урок 4

This1 is my sister. How old is she?2 She’s thirteen. This is our3 garden. Is it big? Not really. These4 are my parents. Are they old? I’m not sure! This is our new car5.

Упражнения “Употребление much, many, a lot of, (a) little, (a) few” (с ответами)

1. Поставьте “+” при правильном использовании “much” или “many”, поставьте “-” – при неверном. We don’t have many food in the house. I can’t give you many information about the company. I need much

Уроки по английскому языку – Урок 141

Do you remember? – Ask him if you can borrow the lawnmower. – I did, and he said no. He told* me that he needed it today. What could I say? – You could

Использование for-since во временах Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continuous (с ответами)

1. Поставьте в следующие словосочетания “for” или “since”. … 9 o’clock… 9 hours… last November… my childhood… 1986 … 10 months… a year… your birthday… ages… a long time… he was a teenager… a
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