В топике Книги в моей жизни (2) я рассказываю о том, что я привык к книгам с самого раннего детства, а когда я научился читать, мне нравились книги про животных, природу, детей. Став старше,
In the United States, New Year’s Eve is a time for entertaining. Many people go to parties and masquerade balls, where, according to an old tradition, guests unmask at midnight. Thousands of Americans gather
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Traffic Laws ПДД (Правила дорожного движения) Modern life is full of traps and dangerous situations. If centuries ago there were only horse carriages on the streets and
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык My Future Profession Is A Medic Моя будущая профессия – врач There are many noble and respectable professions in the world, but I want to become a
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык France Франция If you want to see the Eiffel Tower and the Champs-Elysees, you should go to France. There are many countries in the world, but non
Jonathan Swift was the greatest of English satirists. His better satire at the contemporary social order in general and an the policy of English government in particular. That’s why the Irish people considered Swift
My favorite subject in school is Mathematics. It is my favorite because I never have difficulty with it and always get good marks in tests. I suppose I am lucky to be born with
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Vitamins Витамины In order to be healthy and active one should eat useful products. They should be vitamin rich. Vitamins are organic elements which are very important
Choosing a career is one of the most important and tough decisions people will ever make in life. According to Confucius, “Find a job you love and you will never work a day in
В топике Американские ценности говорится о том, что мы изучаем нашу культуру только через познание культур других народов, и сравниваются убеждения и ценности американцев и русских. Рассматриваются отношения двух народов к таким понятиям как: