Education in Britain – Образование в Британии (6)

The British system of education has a very long history, but in the past few years there have been many changes in it. British education was traditionally decentralized, but now the Education Reform Act


Топик Компьютеры рассказывает историю компьютеров – потомков простого арифмометра, изобретенного профессором Чарльзом Бэббиджем в 1812 году. В наше время компьютеры используются повсеместно: индивидуальными пользователями, учеными, врачами-практиками, для обучения школьников основам информатики и вычислительной техники.

Весна/ Spring

На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Spring Весна Spring is a beatiful season. Even though there are four seasons a year, I prefer spring time. And, whenever I’m asked what my favourite season

Some Facts About London

Топик Некоторые факты о Лондоне знакомит вас с несколькими известными жителями этого великого города. Вы узнаете о поэте, авторе знаменитых “Кентерберийских рассказов”, Джеффри Чосере, Уильяме Шекспире, архитекторе сэре Кристофере Рене, композиторе Джордже Фредерике Генделе,

День благодарения/ Thanksgiving Day

На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Thanksgiving Day День благодарения Thanksgiving Day is one of the most favourite holidays in the United States. Every fourth Thursday of October American people celebrate this holiday.

Политика/ Politics

На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Politics Политика Politics is an extremely interesting and discussed topic at any epoch. Translated from Greek, the word itself means “the art of ruling the state”. More


How plates move When two plates move away from each other lava or magma comes out of the earth. Most of this happens at the bottom of oceans, where the earth’s crust is very

The Base of Industry – Основа индустрии

Americas heavy industry depends upon three resources: iron ore from the Lake Superior area, coal from western Pennsylvania, and transportation across the Great Lakes District. Steel making is basic, but there are many other

The Geographical Position of Great Britain – Географическое положение Великобритании (2)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles are separated from Europe by the English Channel. The British Isles are washed by the North

Jerome David Salinger

J. D. Salinger is one of the most famous contemporary writers. He was born in 1919 in New York in a well-to-do family. He graduated from the Pennsylvania Military Academy, and also studied at
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