Tower Bridge
This bridge built in 1894, is still in daily use even though the traffic in and out of the London wharves’ has increased to an extraordinary extent during the course of the 20th century.
Sport in the USA – Спорт в США (2)
Americans’ interest in sports seems excessive to many foreign visitors. Television networks spend millions of dollars arranging to telecast sports events. Publications about sports are sold widely. In the US professional athletes can become
Nikolai Gogol – Николай Гоголь
Nikolai Gogol Nikolai Gogol was born in Sorochintsi, Ukraine, and grew up on his parent’s country estate. His real surname was Ianovskii, but the writer’s grandfather had taken the name “Gogol” to claim a
Museums and Art Galleries in London
(11) London is the main Britain’s tourist attraction. The city is known for its ancient cathedrals, churches and particularly for its art museums and galleries. The British museum is one of the world’s greatest
Jack London
Jack London was born in 1876 in San Francisco. His real name was John Griffit. His father was a farmer. The family was extremely poor and the boy had to earn his living after
Sport in the USA
Топик Спорт в США очень интересно рассказывает о том, какое значение придается спорту в Америке. В семьях буквально царствует культ спорта и здоровья, начиная с утренней пробежки и заканчивая поступлением в колледж, если ты
Travelling – Путешествие (5)
Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or
Fast food is very popular and saves time for busy working people. However, many experts say that it is not completely healthy. Do you know a person who has never been to McDonald’s? McDonald’s
In this work I’d like to tell about some traditions and beliefs of the pre-Christian period in Great Britain and Russia. In spite of all differences both of these cultures have many similar features.
Somewhat smaller than Oregon, Laos is a mountainous Southeast Asia country ruled by communists. The population of this little country is about 3 and a half million people. One of the poorest and most