The Achievement of Science, Technical Revolution and Our Day-to-day Life
Топик Достижения науки, научно-техническая революция и наша повседневная жизнь – описывает, как изменилась наша жизнь, благодаря неисчислимому количеству изобретений. Даже трудно предположить, когда было сделано самое-самое первое изобретение. Из самых важных – это, конечно,
Multiracial Families
In Western culture, a typical family usually consists of a couple with their biological children. But some couples can’t have their own children for different reasons and they choose to build a family through
Travelling – Путешествия (6)
Today we can’t imagine our life without travelling. During trips people get unforgettable impressions and vivid emotions, meet new people and learn about their lifestyle and culture. Travelling is also a source of inspiration
Salvador Dali – Сальвадор Дали
Salvador Dali Dali is well known for his surrealist works and many consider him the most brilliant Surrealist of his time. But to understand the enigma that is Salvador Dali, one must take a
Магазин/ Shop
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Shop Магазин Modern cities are full of various shops. There are clothes shops, antique shops, bookstores, beauty shops, pharmacies, gift shops, supermarkets, newspaper stands, stationery shops, etc.
Знаменитые люди Великобритании/ Famous People of Great Britain
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Famous People of Great Britain Знаменитые люди Великобритании Great Britain is very rich with outstanding people and always was. There are lots of famous British musicians, sportsmen,
The Animals of Australia
Топик Животные Австралии рассказывает о редких животных, в большинстве своем обитающих только на этом огромном острове. К самым известным относятся различные виды кенгуру, из них серый кенгуру – самый крупный. Вомбаты – самые крупные
Плюсы и минусы жизни в больших городах/ Pros And Cons Of Living In Large Cities
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык Pros And Cons Of Living In Large Cities Плюсы и минусы жизни в больших городах People living in the countryside normally dream of moving to large cities.
Great Britain – Великобритания (2) 
The official name of the country, we usually call England and occasionally Great Britain, is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The U. K. is situated on the group of islands,
The Federal Judiciary – Федеральное судоустройство
In the federal system there are 90 District Courts presided over by a district judge, which hear criminal cases involving breaches of federal law and civil cases on federal matters (disputes between states, non-payment