“Хэллоуин в США и Европе” (Halloween in the USA and Europe)
The 31st of October is an unusual event for America, Great Britain and some other countries. It has Celtic origins and is called Halloween. According to the ancient calendar, winter started on that very
Праздники Англии/ Holidays in England
Праздники Англии Holidays in England Праздники являются частью каждой культуры. Зная их, мы можем узнать больше о местных жителях и их образе жизни. Традиционные праздники могут отражать не только национальный характер, но и историю
William Somerset Maugham
Топик Уильям Сомерсет Моэм рассказывает об одном из самых известных английских писателях 20-го века. Сомерсет Моэм прошел тяжелую школу жизни, с детства впитав в себя впечатления о событиях и людях, его окружавших. Родившись во
Congress – Конгресс
The legislative branch of national government consists of two houses – the Senate and the House of Representatives – each with a different role, different powers, and a different electoral procedure. The House of
Белый дом/ The White House
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык The White House Белый дом The White House is the official office and residence of the president of the United States of America. Many years ago it
Мой кумир/ My Idol
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык My Idol Мой кумир I think almost everyone in the world admires someone. It is especially true for young people. Most of them have idols. They try
The Life of a Great Mathematician. (Nina Karlovna Bari)
Nina Karlovna Bari is a great example of a woman who contributed to mathematics. Nina Bari provided the advancement of the theory of trigonometry. She dedicated her life to solving theory functions. Once Bari
Мой папа/ My father
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык My father Мой папа My name is Sergey. I’m twelve years old. I’m going to tell you about my father. His name is Vladimir. His second name
“Природные катастрофы, стихийные бедствия” (Natural disasters)
Mother Nature can act rather scary sometimes. Almost every day TV channels, radio and newspapers report on natural disasters striking different parts of the world. Scientists say that earthquakes, tornados, floods, droughts, tsunamis, landslides
Ice Age – Film Review
I’d like to speak about the film called “Ice Age”. The director of the film is Chris Wedge. The producers are Christopher Meledandri and Lori Forte. The budget of the film is $60,000,000. Now