I’m fond of reading. My favourite writer is William SomersetMaugham and i would like to tell about his biography.
William Somerset Maugham was born in 1874 and spent his childhoodin Paris in the family of a British diplomat. Having lost hisparents at an early age, he went to live in England with hisuncle, who was a clergyman. He was educated at King’s school inCanterbury studied painting in Paris, went to Heidelbury Universityin Germany and spent six years at St. Thomas Hospital in Englandstudying to be a doctor. He was an unsatisfactory medical studentfor his heart wasn’t in medicin. He wanted, he had always wantedto be a writer and in the evening after his tea, he wrote and read.
In 1897 he wrote a novel called «Liza of Lambeth», sent itto a publisher and it was accepted. It was something of asuccess. So William Somerset Maugham decided to abandon hismedical profession and he did it with relif. The next ten yearswere very hard on him. He learned the terrible difficulties ofmaking a living by writing. But he survived. He became a famouswriter. He never regretted the five years he had spent at thehospital. They taught him pretty well all he knew about humannature.
The novel «The moon and sixpence» (1919) is based on thelife of the artist Paul Gauguin was an immediate success. Maughamwent to Tahiti and lived in Gauguin’s hut while writing the book. His fame as a short story writer began with «The Trembling of aleaf». Since then he wrote many collections of books, essays andcriticism. Many of his books and stories came out of hisextensive travels in the East. His autobiographical books «Thesumming up» and «A writer’s Notebook» are remarkable for bothstyle and sincerity. His books have been reprinted many times.
In 1927 William Somerset Maugham settled in the South ofFrance and lived there until his death in 1965.
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